- Decoding Tarot Spreads: Techniques and Patterns 10/15
- Spreading the Cards: Techniques in Tarot Reading 10/10
- Beginner's Guide to Tarot Techniques 10/05
- Breaking Down Tarot Reading Techniques for Beginners 10/05
- Exploring Tarot's Toolbox: Techniques for Profound Readings 10/05
- Tarot Techniques Demystified for the Modern Reader 10/05
- Techniques and Tarot: Unearthing the Connection 10/05
- Mastering Basic Tarot Techniques for Beginners 10/04
- Techniques for Tarot Readings: A Deep Dive 10/04
- The Science of Tarot Cards: Reading Techniques Explained 10/04
- Common Techniques Used in Effective Tarot Interpretation 10/03
- Essentials of Spread Techniques in Tarot 10/01
- Interpreting Tarot: Tried and Tested Methods 10/01
- Mastering the Craft: Tarot Techniques for the Aspiring Reader 10/01
- Spread Techniques: Broadening the Tarot Experience 10/01
- Tarot Basics: Techniques and Interpretation Explained 10/01
- The Art of Tarot Reading: Techniques Uncovered 10/01
- The Meaningful Spread: Tarot Techniques Explored 10/01
- The Role of Spread Techniques in Tarot Readings 10/01
- Unleashing Tarot Power: Understanding Techniques 04/15